this freaking guy.... wip
• angel canonically uses they/them pronouns.
• the angel is comprised of 17 "strapping young men from the 20’s”.
• being made of 17 soldiers who were deployed into a foreign country saw america as their entire world, they flew to florida and new york first, of course.
• angel retains the minds of the 17 men, who all supposedly have conflicting ideals, but their hatred and determination is so strong that they act as one.
• the angel simply runs on “pure energy and spirit!”
• their hatred still lives on even after obliterating rockefeller, which keeps them together. but they become a lot more calmer after they fly to the forest.
• on angel landing on the tomb of the unknown soldier memorial after they were shot down: "the fickle finger of fate has a sense of irony."
• they chose to present themselves as a nervous system to make them look like a sort of grim reaper-type figure.